
On Menstrual Hygiene

In spite of the active campaigns by various brands, celebrities and social workers, it has been revealed that 43% of the Indian women still don’t have access to sanitary essentials at the beginning of periods due to multiple educational, financial and societal reasons, while 36% of them shy away from purchasing the sanitary ware.

This is an issue that has been suffused by cultural taboos and superstitions. There is a lack of awareness of menstrual hygiene and associated practices. Around 355 million Indian women and girls have to cope up with the month’s menstrual hygiene. Most of these women either have no access toilets or are using unhygienic washrooms that lead to further health issues.

A total of 89% of rural India women (according to 2011 census) are living in the absence of proper sanitation facility. They mostly wait for the night-time before using the public toilet or the fields, which literally exposes them to various forms of physical attacks. Most of these women use cloths and rags for feminine hygiene These materials are liable to a women’s reproductive tract infections as it may be difficult for them to keep their used napkins cleans and free from harmful bacteria. Washing reusable feminine products with soap and drying them in daylight is difficult due to lack of water and other facilities and the cultural taboos associated with menstruation.

Let us see what the doctors have to say about the menstrual hygiene.

Aadya Awareness

Our mission to reach the rural population. AADYA with its 360 degree futuristic model of supporting feminine health and hygiene in rural as well as urban areas is trying to create awareness with its products in the line of Swachh Bharat Mission. AADYA is constantly trying to build the awareness by conducting free camps across the regions of Assam.


Institute Name
Dakshin Beltola School
Parijat Academy
T.C. Girls High School
Guwahati Club
Sonaram H.S. School
Railway H.S.School
Don Bosco School
Anchalik Jatiya Vidyalaya
Panbazar High School
Grameen Sahara
Sorvodaya Health Care
Christian Basti